Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Simple Palette

For Hannah’s art piece, I decided to use only two colors of paint. I wanted to see what I could do with a limited color scheme, and I loved it!

I thought it came out very graphic (not meaning explicit, of course).

It’s still whimsical, and it still has the two components that I include in each of my pieces:

Poetry and Women.

But, it “feels” different from my other ones.

Looking at Hannah’s and then Rachel’s, I don’t know if you could tell that I was working on them at the same time. But, I was!

The pictures, once again, stink. I really need to get a new camera…
The colors just aren't as vivid as in real life.

I hope you like it, Hannah! (If you want a different one, let me know.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rachel's Collage: I think I feel queasy...

Full Confession: I almost threw Rachel’s collage away not once, not twice, but three times.

And when I gave it to her, I almost puked.

You see, I tried something different with Rachel’s.

I wanted it to be a little more whimsical.

I wanted brighter color. (Hence using blues, greens, and oranges.)

I wanted more texture so that people would feel compelled to touch it.

So, when you look at the pictures, keep that in mind. Because I don’t think I succeeded, but that was the goal.

Oh, and once again, my camera betrayed me.

I don’t know why it doesn’t like me to get close and zoom. It just won’t focus correctly when I do that. I suppose if I read the instructions it would tell me. But, I can’t be bothered with that…

Rachel, I tried my best...