Monday, September 12, 2011

The Artist’s Way: Week One Wrap Up

So, can we just pretend that my absence last week didn’t happen?

I had every intention of continuing with The Artist’s Way, and then I got a stomach bug.

‘Nuf said.

But, now, I’m back on track for week two!

However, before I can tell you what’s in store for this coming week, I first need to conclude week one.

Let me start by answering the three weekly check-in questions:

1). How many days this week did you do your morning pages? How was the experience for you?

I completed the morning pages 6 out of 7 days and I have to say, it was difficult. Mostly, because I’m not used to writing three pages by hand. You would not believe the cramping your hand experiences by the end of the second page. Most of the text on my third page consists of “My hand is cramping. Oh, man, my hand hurts! Why, why hand!?” etc.

Surprisingly, I haven’t run out of things to say. My thoughts are constant and I just write them down. Something that has developed from this exercise is that I’ve challenged myself to write one FULL page of affirmations. It’s tough to come up with a page of positive things to say about yourself, day after day. Try it! It’s eye-opening.

2). Did you do your artist date this week? What did you do? How did it feel?

For my first artist date, I decided to do something cheap (as in free) and I visited a local museum that I have driven by my entire life, but never stopped in. Despite my reservations about feeling dumb and friendless, I LOVED IT! I had no time schedule to bother with, no other person to worry about, and no expectations to meet. I was able to stand in front of one exhibit as long as I wanted, and then skip another in its entirety. And it was fun. Really. FUN! I spent about an hour walking around the little museum, learned about my former city (Ontario), and was impressed by old-timey things.

It made me realize that you don’t need to travel far, or even travel at all, to be inspired. I took a lot of pictures (see below for a sampling) and came away completely recharged. When asked by the docent why I was there, I answered “I’m on an artist date with myself.” She thought that was fabulous! And so did I!

3). Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

The only issue I had this week was with my lack of memory. It really bothers me, and it makes me feel like I don’t know myself. It’s a tad unsettling, really. I’m not quite sure what to do about it. Maybe the more I try to consistently remember, the more I will? Who knows.

Now, on to some pictures from my Artist’s Date:

Here’s the Ontario Museum’s Entrance. Proof that I actually went!
Here’s a picture of the old-timey stuff I mentioned. This is the inside of Ford’s Diner which used to be on the corner of Euclid and Holt.

Here are some symbols from the local Native American tribe that I found intriguing.

Did you know that on the outskirts of Victorville there used to be a magical land called Hulaville, a sort of hand-made Disneyland? Road trip, anyone?

Tomorrow: What’s week two all about?


Laura said...

Yay week one! Good job! I'm proud of you for going to the museum by yourself. I just printed out this little thing of all these museums you can get in to for free if your a Bank of America customer. I think Mike and I are going to start going.

After the Fair on Saturday, I'm totally in if you want to start the art trading card thing. I could totally accomplish that.

Amanda said...

Art trading cards? What?

Liz the Poet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz the Poet said...

-I deleted my past comment because of spelling.-


Maybe we could start a little ATC group? I know when I participated in past groups, it required a lot of organization to coordinate who mails to whom, etc.

But, we could make it as simple as creating one trading card a month and then swaping them.

I don't know how many people would be interested, but even if it's just you and me, I'm game!

And, Amanda, google Artist Trading Cards (ATC) to get the full scoop.

They're fabulous!

Heather said...

I'm down for a road trip! That looks like a great museum--where is it? The other day I drove past one down Euclid somewhere and noticed it for the first time...and wondered why I'd never visited it. Good for you!

When you do start your ATC group, please post pictures of your cards so we can all enjoy them!